why you should buy the new iPhone SE.

Best processor for the money

Apple is using the same A9 processor which is used in the new iPhone 6. A9 is 70% more powerful than its predecessor and 90% more graphic power. So for people who want the same processing power but at a lower cost. iPhone SE seems an good deal. With the A9 processor now the iPhone SE users can operate their phone with voice commands without having to phisycally touching the device. This is made possible with the M9 motion co-processor built into the A9.


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Better Camera

iPhone 6 boasts 8 Megapixel camera, where as the new iPhone SE boasts a 12 Megapixel Camera, allowing it to take more crispier  and clean images. SE also supports 4k video capture while the iPhone 6 only allows meager 1080p.


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Lower Weight and starting price

iPhone SE weighs in at 0.25 pounds, while the iPhone 6 weighs 0.28 pounds. Which means  SE is lighter than iPhone 6 by .03 pounds. Which doesn’t make much of a difference though for many users. But what might make a difference is the starting price of iPhone SE is aroung $399 which is $150 less than the iPhone 6 price tag. This could be a deal breaker for many people as SE offers the same features as the iPhone 6, only thing lacking is the smaller screen size and resolution.

    iPhone SE vs iPhone 6 vs iPhone 6S


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